Episode 4

Published on:

27th Jul 2023

4. You are getting it wrong if you are not doing this one leadership essential !

Busy day ? For a while it feels great, for a while we feel like we are achieving. So why then do we so often feel like we are not leading well, the to do list never gets sorted, the team don't quite feel on board and you get home and fall asleep on the sofa. Carving out thinking time, time to create, time for headspace could be the single most important thing you can do personally, to completely change your life as a leader. 

In this episode Neil and Sarah talk about space and thinking time, a key theme in The Leadership Book and in Neil's recent Ted Talk:


We discuss how you can make time and what may be your main distractions. 

For more information on our work and how we can work with you and your team find us at www.leader-connect.co.uk 

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The Leader Connect Podcast
The Podcast for leaders who want to be better leaders.
At Leader Connect we want to change how the world thinks about leadership. We believe impactful, life changing leadership is simple and we want to show you how.

The Leader Connect Podcast is your companion to our founder Neil Jurd's Amazon Best Selling book 'The Leadership Book' . We chat to some of the world's top leaders and we chat to rising leadership stars, like you, who are making leadership work everyday.

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